NEWS: Governor race sees another $369K in outside money

Money in hand

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WPRO News and the Associated Press

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) – Another $369,000 from outside groups is being poured into the Rhode Island governor’s race, this time for one that is working to defeat Republican Allan Fung.

Donations of $219,000 and $150,000 from the Democratic Governors Association and Women Vote, respectively, were reported Thursday by the state Board of Elections. The funds went to the Alliance for a Better Rhode Island, which has been running a negative ad against the Cranston mayor.

The DGA has now reported spending $469,000 in the race. Women Vote, which is affiliated with EMILY’s List, has reported spending $250,000.

The Ohio-based group Mid America Fund this week disclosed $557,000 in spending to defeat Democrat Gina Raimondo. It reported donations of $125,000 from the Republican Governors Association and $435,000 from the Ohio-based Government Integrity Fund.

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