Rhode Island DMV wants to charge motorist $15 walk-in fee


PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) – The Rhode Island Division of Motor Vehicles wants people to pay $15 just to walk in the door.

The agency plans to pitch a $15 “in-person” customer-service fee to Gov. Gina Raimondo in its annual budget request.

The agency estimates the fee would generate more than $1 million in revenue per year.

The Providence Journal reports that the fee is aimed at reducing the number of walk-ins and boosting the number of online transactions. That would cut down customer wait times, which in 2018 averaged more than an hour.

The fee would apply to standard license and registration renewals that can be completed online. It would not apply to transactions that need to be done in person.

The agency also proposed $15 late fee, projected to generate $1.5 million annually.


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