UPDATED: Providence Councilman Salvatore blasts website coverage as false, ‘epitome of fake news’


Providence City Councilman and former City Council President David Salvatore released a scathing press release on Monday afternoon criticizing local website GoLocalProv for making ‘vicious and false accusations’ against him and labeling the site ‘the epitome of fake news.’ Salvatore spoke with WPRO’s Dan Yorke about his issues with the site on Monday afternoon. Listen to that conversation below.

Listen to “Providence Councilman Salvatore blasts website coverage as false, ‘epitome of fake news'” on Spreaker.

Salvatore says that the site was involved in an ‘alleged quid pro quo relationship’ with former council president Luis Aponte’s administration – and claims city funds were paid in exchange for positive coverage on the website. The website had entered into a deal with the city to publish meeting notices, which Salvatore described as a ‘no-bid secret contract.’

In Monday’s press release, Salvatore said “When I became Council President in 2017, I uncovered this no-bid secret contract and immediately terminated it. I knew this would make me a target of GoLocalProv’s tabloid coverage, but my duty is to the people of Providence. I won’t be bullied into silence or submission. The money that GoLocalProv received under the Aponte regime rightfully belongs to the taxpayers of Providence, and I will do everything I can to recover this money. For that reason, GoLocalProv has decided to, once again, attack me with vicious and false accusations. They are the epitome of fake news and their wild accusations and false stories are not worth refuting.”

The site published a story Monday linking Salvatore in the headline to a new harassment policy that is being promoted by City Council President Sabina Matos. In the story itself, Matos says the policy is not directly related to any specific incident.

“I will not rest until they are held accountable and changes are made to prevent something like this from ever happening again. And if the price I must pay is negative coverage from this fake news tabloid, then so be it. The people of Providence are worth fighting for and I intend to bring the fight to GoLocalProv,” Salvatore concluded.

GoLocalProv CEO Josh Fenton also joined Yorke on Monday afternoon to refute Salvatore’s claims.  Listen to that conversation below:

Listen to “GoLocal CEO Josh Fenton responds to Councilman David Salvatore’s comments about his site” on Spreaker.