Fired Providence police sergeant could lose pension


WPRO News and the Associated Press

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — Officials in Providence are investigating whether they can revoke the pension of a white police sergeant fired after he had a black officer handle a suspicious package and said it wouldn’t be a big deal if the officer got sick.

The city dismissed Sgt. David Marchant over the incident that involved a package found at Brown University with a white powdery substance on it.

When Marchant was asked if he followed proper protocols he said he had a black patrolman, Khari Bass, handle the package and if Bass got sick it wouldn’t be a problem because “he’s a black guy anyway.”

Marchant insisted he was joking.

Channel 10 reports that officials say his actions might rise to the level of dishonorable service, which could allow for the loss of his pension.

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