Congressman Langevin to introduce 3 bills to protect online consumers

Jim Langevin


Rhode Island Congressman Jim Langevin announced he will be introducing a package of consumer protection bills aimed at keeping people’s identities safe online.

Langevin says the development of technology has made online shopping and finances more convenient, but has opened up consumers to more identity theft attacks.

“The legislation I am introducing is going to help protect consumers overall,” said Langevin.

First, the Personal Data Notification and Protection Act of 2015 will require companies notify individuals whose information has been leaked via a cyber-attack to be notified within 30 days. Second, the Protect Children from Theft Act will work to protect child indent theft by allowing parents to create frozen and protected credit files. And third, the Cybercrime Anti-Resale Deterrent Extraterritoriality Revision would make it easier for law enforcement to [prosecute criminals who steal and trade credit cards.

“The public and private sectors, I believe, have to do everything they can possible to mitigate risks and protect consumer information,” said Langevin.