NEWS: Chris Christie returns to RI to support Allan Fung


Chris Christie and Allan Fung work the lunchtime crowd on Federal Hill. Photo by Steve Klamkin WPRO News
Chris Christie and Allan Fung work the lunchtime crowd on Federal Hill. Photo by Steve Klamkin WPRO News

Chris Christie and Allan Fung work the lunchtime crowd on Federal Hill. Photo by Steve Klamkin WPRO News 

By Sam Wroblewski, reporting by Steve Klamkin WPRO News 

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie returned to Rhode Island Tuesday to campaign for Republican Allan Fung’s bid for governor.

Christie said he came back because he believes Fung stands a good chance at beating his Democrat opponent, Gina Raimondo.

“The fact is I am very optimistic about our possibilities here,” said Christie, “As I’ve said, I don’t go to places where we can’t win.”

Since his first visit here on October 9, the Republican Governor’s Association, which Christie heads, has donated over $100,000 to Fung’s campaign.

Christie’s arrival comes the same day that a new Brown University poll showed Fung and Raimondo statistically tied.

“Very excited to have the Governor here once again, as we all saw from the Brown University poll today it is a tight race, head heat, and every vote counts,” said Fung.

Christie’s visit to Rhode Island comes just ahead of planned visits by First Lady Michelle Obama on Thursday, followed by President Barack Obama on Friday.

Christie toured a Cranston beauty supply warehouse before moving to Federal Hill and touring several restaurants and shops, where he worked the lunchtime crowd with Fung.

Christie fended off questions about whether he may run for President in 2016, and he defended his state’s decision to quarantine people suspected of exposure to the deadly Ebola virus.

“The fact is, we’re doing exactly the right thing, six other states agree with us and the Joint Chiefs of Staff now agree with us, and the CDC put out more confusing facts today,” Christie told reporters gathered in DePasquale Square on Federal Hill. He was asked about a potential lawsuit by a woman who was detained in quarantine at a New Jersey hospital, only to be later released.

“Well whatever. Get in line. Been sued lots of time before. Get in line, I’m happy to take it on,” Christie said.



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