NEWS: President Obama endorses Gina Raimondo

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Photo by Steve Klamkin, WPRO News

By Kim Kalunian, WPRO News

President Barack Obama is endorsing Democrat Gina Raimondo for governor.

“I’m proud to endorse Gina Raimondo to be the next governor of Rhode Island,” President Obama said in a statement released Wednesday evening. “I am working to make sure our economic recovery reaches every state and every person who is willing to work hard to get ahead and Gina shares these values. Gina has the business experience to create jobs, a real plan for how to do it and the ability to bring people together to solve tough problems. Rhode Island middle class families need a proven champion who can put politics aside and get results. That’s the kind of governor Gina will be.”

Obama’s endorsement comes ahead of what was supposed to be a visit to Rhode Island to talk about the economy and “pursuing policies that help women succeed.” The President cancelled the trip Wednesday evening to convene in light of developments concerning Ebola.

“President Obama is a true champion for the middle class and I’m honored to have his support,” said Raimondo in a statement issued by her campaign Tuesday evening.

“The president is focused on creating jobs and reducing inequality. Those are the right priorities for our country and the right priorities for Rhode Island. I look forward to working with him to help give all Rhode Island families the opportunity to succeed,” she said.

The President also cancelled political trips to Connecticut and New Jersey Wednesday amid rising Ebola concerns.

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