NEWS: Baby turns 6 months old despite doctors’ predictions

Angela Morales

Photo courtesy of the Rhode Island Catholic

By Sam Wroblewski

A baby who doctors predicted would only live a few hours after being born, turned six months old last week.

Baby Angela Morales was diagnosed with anencephaly, a condition where the infant is born without most of their skull and brain, while she was still in the womb. However, her mother, Sonia Morales, decided to carry her to term. She told WPRO’s Gene Valicenti that despite her condition, Angela behaves like a normal infant.

“She smiles, she responds to our voices, she gets really excited when I get home from work,” said Morales, “And that’s something we never dreamed to experience.”

Morales also reports that Angela has been steadily gaining weight and has begun moving around. When asked how she feels about her daughter defying the doctor’s predictions, Morales said she attributes it to human error.

“They are doctors and they can still make mistakes, but we have God and he is the only one who has the last word,” said Morales.

Baby Angela just recently recovered from a surgery to close up the back of her skull.

Morales posts regular updates on a Facebook page dedicated to her daughter.