NEWS: 300 pound black bear spotted in Scituate

A black bear, like the one pictured above, has been spotted in residential neighborhoods in Scituate. Photo from Pixaby.

WPRO Newsroom

Scituate Police say a large black bear has been spotted in the Rt. 102 and Rocky Hill Road areas.

Police first got reports of black bear sightings Thursday evening, and continued to get reports Friday morning. An officer observed the bear meandering in and out of yards before 9 a.m. Friday morning.

WPRO obtained an exclusive photo of the bear wandering through a residential neighborhood Friday morning from E and C Lightfoot.

Scituate Police Chief Colonel David Randall said reports are that the bear is roughly 300 pounds and 5’10”.

Police advice everyone in the area to use caution when outdoors, especially children, pets and adults with medical challenges.

“You don’t want to be surprised by a bear that size,” Randall said. “We have no indication that the bear is being aggressive in any way, however commons sense dictates that you want to stay away from a bear.”

Randall cautions residents not to approach or feed the bear. Instead, any sightings should be reported to the Scituate Police Department at (401) 821-5900.

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