NEWS: RIEMA executive director submits resignation

Governor Lincoln Chafee accepted the resignation of Rhode Island Emergency Management Agency (RIEMA) Executive Director Theresa C. Murray on Wednesday. Her last day is February 15. Murray has been the RIEMA Executive Director for just over a year, having been appointed to the position in January 2012

According to a press release, Murray cited eldercare commitments and a desire to focus on her work as a Federal Contractor as the reasons for her departure. 

“Theresa Murray has been an effective and committed leader at RIEMA,” Chafee said in a statement. “I was able to witness her work first-hand during Hurricane Sandy, and Theresa was a key partner in our efforts to guide Rhode Island through that storm safely and securely. I understand Theresa’s need to focus on caring for elderly family members, I wish her well, and I thank her for her service to our state.”

Murray said in a statement that she is “honored to have been able to give back to the State of Rhode Island” and is “pleased with RIEMA’s establishment of the Rhode Island Business Emergency Operations Center, the Partners in Preparedness Initiative, the School Safety Program and for managing Federal grant funds with integrity.”

Murray also cites the issuance of a revised 2004 State Emergency Operations Plan and raising awareness for business continuity planning and cyber security as accomplishments during her tenure.

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