Raimondo leaves DNC to watch Clinton speech with daughter

Gina Raimondo Family

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo says she’s racing home from the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia because she wants to be with her 12-year-old daughter when Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton accepts the party’s nomination.

The state’s first female governor tells MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” it’s a historic moment and unbelievably exciting.

Raimondo says it’s hard to describe how powerful it is to witness the first woman be a major party’s presidential candidate.

She says little girls “get it,” describing how Rhode Island girls regularly come up to her to say because she’s a governor they know they can do it, too.

One of the MSNBC show’s co-hosts mistakenly introduced the Democratic governor as a Republican but was quickly corrected. Raimondo laughed, saying, “Why would I be in Philly?”

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