Pawtucket schools to reevaluate partnership with police department

A Pawtucket police officer brandishes pepper spray at students following a protest at Tolman High School. Still from video by Steve Klamkin WPRO News
A Pawtucket police officer brandishes pepper spray at students following a protest at Tolman High School. Still from video by Steve Klamkin WPRO News

By Sam Wroblewski

Pawtucket’s Superintendent of Schools Patti DiCenso says the school resource officer responsible for body-slamming a fourteen year old student last week will not be returning to the school, according to the Valley Breeze.

The newspaper also reported Tuesday that DiCenso and the school department will be reevaluating its agreement with the Pawtucket Police Department regarding the authority of its officers while working the school beat.

The announcement came the same day the Rhode Island chapter of the ACLU drafted a letter to all school superintendents in the state saying many school/police agreements in the state cede too much authority to the individual officers.

“Despite the tremendous power that [student resource officers] wield in an educational environment, your school district’s [agreement] allows police officers to walk the halls of schools with little responsibility to school officials themselves,” wrote Brown.

“That is because, at bottom, they serve the police, not the school.”

The announcement came nearly a week after students organized a protest in response to a viral video showing the resource officer handcuff a student on the floor and then grab his younger brother around the neck and take him to the ground.

Several students were arrested during the course of the protest after individuals became unruly.

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