NEWS: Central Falls consolidates jobs at school agency

Central Falls High School

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WPRO News and the Associated Press

CENTRAL FALLS, R.I. (AP) – Central Falls has consolidated two jobs at its School Department to save $55,000.

The Providence Journal reports that the city had previously hired an outside contractor to handle its computer services. The contract has been ended and the School Department’s information technology administrator will spend about 10 hours a week working on the city’s computer needs.

The School Department’s human resources director will perform city services about 12 hours per week.

Mayor James A. Diossa says the consolidation of human resources and information technology services is a “great partnership” between the city and school district allowing officials to do more with less.

The city will reimburse the School Department for about $35,000 for its human resources officer and $20,000 per year for its technology administrator.

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